Free & easy site builder
A beginner–friendly site builder with a selection of responsive charge–free themes.

In the Hostingboy control panel you’ll discover a simple–to–operate site builder that you can use to make a completely new, unique–looking site by yourself. It’s in fact plain to master, even if you are not wel-versed in web development. The tool offers a range of design themes available in numerous color set–ups that you can change to your preference. Moreover, your site will look superb across all device types!
The site builder is included with all cloud website hosting, Linux VPS service, Linux semi-dedicated service, and Linux dedicated service plans which are sold with the Hostingboy Site Control Panel.
A convenient–to–use site builder
No programming background is needed
The site builder incorporated into the Hostingboy user interface is very intuitive. It aids you to launch your own website with quick point&click commands. You do not have to know CSS or some other backend language. If you have already used a web app or perhaps a text editing software, then you’ll already understand how to utilize the site builder.
From its interface, you can move around page components to your liking and personalize them with just a click of the mouse. Apart from that, you could add images, videos, and even your own discussion board, etc. in no time.
An array of creative site templates
Stylish site designs that look cool on every device
With the site builder, you’ll gain access to lots of zero–cost website templates for all sorts of sites like personal pages, e–stores, discussion boards, etc.
Each site theme is available in a few layouts and features a number of color configurations. Additionally, you will gain access to a decent set of licensed images and will have the opportunity to cherry–pick from over 100 fonts for your website. Every website theme is created to work across all mobile devices. In case you wish to replace a chosen site theme, you’ll be able to complete that with only a click. All of the pages and modifications you have completed will be transferred over.
Integrated helpdesk and how–to video tutorials
Learn exactly how quick and easy it actually is to launch an online presence
The Hostingboy’s site builder includes a very useful knowledge base where you can see lots of how–to articles and videos that cover the most frequently asked questions by clients.
They will help you out in case you wish to learn how to add a new page, how to change the color setups of your theme, how to add a discussion portal module or even exactly how to replace your whole website theme.
And last but not least, we will also provide you with a tech support team that is online 24/7, all set to provide an answer to all of your questions.